Rusty Goe Signs Copies Of The Confident Carson City Coin Collector – Nevada State Museum April 17, 2021

Marie Goe

On Saturday, April 17, 2021, Rusty and I spent most of the day at the Nevada State Museum in Carson City, where Rusty signed copies of his new The Confident Carson City Coin Collector. Because of Covid-19 restrictions and other factors, only a small number of people made their way to our table. Those that did enjoyed lively conversation sharing about their favorite Carson City coins and interesting stories about the Carson City Mint’s history.
The occasion also presented the opportunity for us to visit with Mina Stafford (and her husband Craig), the museum’s education director, and good and long-time friend Charm Phillips, the museum’s gift shop manager (one of her many positions).
Friends Al, Gary, and John engaged Rusty in much discussion about coins in their collections. Thank you guys for your many words of encouragement and support for Rusty’s new three-volume book-set.
All in all, Rusty and I had a great time at the Nevada State Museum, the home of the old Carson City Mint. Our visit brought back many fond memories.

Marie Goe, Rusty Goe, Al, and Gary at Nevada State Museum book signing, April 17, 2021.

Marie Goe, Rusty Goe, Al, and Gary at Nevada State Museum book signing, April 17, 2021.