Farewell to 2008, Hello to 2009

Well, it’s time for another year to end and another one to begin. Today is the 366th and final day of 2008 and we’re all getting ready for the New Year by changing our calendars and doing lots of our annual year-end cleaning. Read on for more…

Southgate staffers Maya, Nicole, Cara, and Crystal at the end of 2008

We felt that it would be a good start for the New Year if we did a little cleanup around here by waxing our hardwood floors and steam cleaning our carpets. First, we took down our festive Christmas decorations, boxed them up, and sent them back to storage until next year’s Christmas season. It was a little sad to see all the pretty décor leave the store, but we’ll see them again next year. Overall, it was a lot of hard work, but we Southgate girls never shy away from a little “spit and polish” labor once in awhile.

Southgate Coins puts the Christmas tree away for another year.

We also got a very nice surprise today from Rusty, which felt like a real treat for all our intensive labor. He ordered pizzas from Blind Onion. What a pleasant surprise! None of us knew he was doing this, not even Marie. In addition, our newest Southgate girl, Nicole, having never experienced one of our Free-Lunch-Fridays before, was really surprised by Rusty’s special treat.

The crew at Southgate enjoys a pizza for Free Lunch Friday
Coin shop works love pizza on break

Also, just like on every New Year’s Eve, Southgate Coins closed a bit early and will be closed until Monday, January 5 (2009), so we can perform our annual inventory. So, all of our friends and customers who just can’t wait to personally wish us a Happy New Year will have to wait a few extra days until we open again to start a New Year.

We wish you all a very Happy New Year and we at Southgate Coins look forward to seeing you next year!

Be safe and I'll see ya later,
